Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Freedom from the World Illusion

Live in the present with your consciousness externalized momentarily, but without any effort: when the mind stops linking itself to the past and to the future it becomes no-mind. If from moment to moment your mind dwells on what is and drops it effortlessly at once, the mind becomes no-mind, full of purity.

It is only as long as the mind continues to be agitated that it experiences diversity of its own projection or expansion, even as rain falls only as long as there are clouds; and it is only as long as the infinite consciousness limits itself into the finite mind that such agitation and expansion take place. If consciousness ceases to be the finite mind, then know that the very roots of cyclic world-illusion (of birth and death) are burnt and there is perfection.

-- Yoga Vasishta

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Sri Ramana Advent Day

September 1 is Bhagavan Ramana's Advent Day, the day of reaching Arunachala.

Please see previous posts for Advent Day.
Wishing all readers a Happy Advent Day!